Methamphetamine is a very addictive stimulant substance that goes by many street names such as meth, crystal, ice, and speed. The popularity of the methamphetamine drug may seem like a niche subject, but it’s actually more common than most people believe. In 2012, over 1 million people reported using methamphetamines that year. And in 2013, over 12 million Americans over the age of 13 said they used methamphetamines at some point in their lives.
Signs of Methamphetamine Drug Abuse
As a stimulant, methamphetamines excite the user and cause the person to have an unusual amount of energy. However, this heightened excitement and alertness also wears down the body. Signs of methamphetamine drug abuse include:
- Increased heart rate and body temperature
- Not sleeping for long periods of time
- Sudden and severe weight loss
- Unusually active
- Nervousness and irritability
- Aggression and violence
If someone with a methamphetamine drug addiction doesn’t find treatment, they’re at a higher risk for developing the long-term effects of methamphetamine addiction. These effects are extremely disruptive and may cause users to fail in their obligations, relationships, jobs, or school performances. These long-term effects include:
- Aggression and violent behaviors
- Sleep disturbances
- Anxiety
- Extreme mood swings
- Dental problems
- Weight loss
- Paranoia and hallucinations
Before a methamphetamine drug addiction reaches this point, it’s important to find a treatment center for you or someone you love.
Confronting a Loved One about Methamphetamine Abuse
Talking to a loved one about their methamphetamine drug abuse can be difficult. In fact, intervening with a loved one’s drug abuse problem can be scary, even if the person is someone very close to you. This is especially true since people with a methamphetamine addiction can have violent mood swings and react aggressively to confrontation.
If you notice signs of methamphetamine drug addiction in someone you love, then you have a lot of options. If talking to the person by yourself is difficult, then talk to their other loved ones about the problem and see if they can help you talk to the user.
Another option is to enlist the help of a professional counselor to act as a mediator during the intervention. While professional interventions are less common, they are often more successful. The counselor will understand what to say to help the user seek out treatment.
Methamphetamine Recovery
Intervention is only the first step in addressing meth addiction. One of the reasons a loved one may be resistant to seeking treatment at a Texas meth addiction rehab is the knowledge that recovery is a long and difficult road. However, it’s important to remind the person that they’re not alone on the journey. Just like how addiction affects anyone close to the user, recovery is a team effort. Continuing to support your loved one during their treatment will aid in a more successful recovery.